Why I Blog: Blogmas Day 17

I didn't know much of anything about blogging until almost a year ago, when I first started reading blogs. I found my first favorite bloggers, like Zoella, Tanya Burr, and Sprinkle of Glitter, by seeing them in other people's YouTube videos.

Once I started reading blogs, I thought that it would be a cool thing to do, but never seriously considered it. I figured that I wouldn't have anything to say, no one would read it, I wouldn't have good content, and I wouldn't have the time. I didn't really know how to go about starting one, either.

Last January, my friend Kenzie created a blog (you can see her blog here). She showed it to me, and showed me how she made it. This was how I finally got the courage to start my own! Kenzie helped me create my blog, showed me how to use bloglovin, and she still helps me when there's something I don't understand (because let's face it, technology hates me). 

The thing that has surprised me the most about my blog is that I am actually proud of it. That is something I had never expected to happen. I had expected to write posts for a few months, forget to keep up with it, and eventually give it up. Also, I never expected to get any views, let alone comments, on any of my posts. Blogging turned from something that I planned to do only for a few months into something I plan to continue doing for a long time!

I would love to hear why you started blogging, so please share your blogging story in the comments! Or, I encourage you to do your own post like this, and send me the link.

I am so happy with what I've made so far, and I'd like to thank everyone who takes the time to read this for that :)



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