My Favorite Authors: Blogmas Day 23

I did it! I actually did Blogmas! I know it usually goes for two more days, but I'll be spending time with my family tomorrow and on Christmas, and I don't want to be sitting online blogging while I'm with them.

Anyway...on to today's post...

I highly recommend checking out some books by these authors...

-Sophie Kinsella
-Diane Chamberlain
-JK Rowling/Robert Galbraith
-Jodi Picoult
-Nicholas Sparks
-Mitch Albom
-Sarah Dessen
-Kristin Hannah
-Ellen Hopkins
-Stephanie Pearl-Mcphee

I buy any books by these authors without a thought, they're that good!

Merry Christmas!


  1. I love Sophie Kinsella, Nicholas Sparks and Jodi Picoult. Their books are always so amazing. I'd love to include you in my Favourite Blogs of December, if thats ok comment over on my blog letting me know. Merry Christmas xx

    1. Oh my goodness, thank you!!!! I'd love that, I commented over on your blog :)


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