Good morning, everyone! I woke up this morning to a dreary, rainy day. Wisconsin has been getting a whole lot of these lately (I think the weather knows how badly I want to go to England and is preparing me). While sunny days are so nice and you can actually go outside without getting soaked, rainy days are sometimes the best kinds of days. There are some great things about rainy days, such as... playing in puddles sitting under a soft blanket with a warm mug of hot chocolate and a good book thunderstorms at night getting to wear my cute pink polka dot rain boots getting to wear my matching pink coat using cute umbrellas wearing warm sweaters I really love the rain! What are your favorite things about rainy days? xx Heidi
Hello again, I'm back with yet another book review! This book published by Thomas Nelson is a great little book about how to live everyday like you're at the beach. When we're at the beach, it is so easy to be relaxed and enjoy every moment. We long to go outside and see the beauty of God's creation. However, it's hard to keep up that attitude after our beach vacation is over. This book is all about how to keep up that beach mentality every day for your own health and positivity. I did enjoy this book. It's a short, quick read, filled with very small bits of text, Bible verses, quotes, and lots and lots of lovely beach photos. I would picture this book on a coffee table in a house on the beach. It would make a great gift, something for you to flip through when you feel a little down, or un-beachy. I gave this book 3 out of 5 stars. I recommend it, I thought it was so cute! I read this as an ebook but I'll bet the physical copy is really beau...
I really love Bibles that are filled with all kinds of extra content. In my opinion, the more the better! I find it really helpful to have information, explanations, maps, questions to think about, pictures, and other references to help me understand what I'm reading, which is why I love study Bibles! I recently received a copy of the NKJV Study Bible, printed by Thomas Nelson. It is filled with all kinds of useful information and extras. Obviously, I didn't sit down and read the whole thing, but the information that I've read so far has been very interesting and helpful, and I am definitely looking forward to reading more. The book itself is made very well. The pages are soft, and it opens nicely so the spine doesn't break, a must with paperback books. There isn't much that I hate more than a broken spine. All of the images are in color and all of the information and study tools are useful. One thing that I really liked was a chart of prophecies of t...
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