Pierced and Embraced by Kelli Worrall | Review

"Heartrending truth all wrapped up in mind-blowing grace. A piercing embrace. That is our Jesus."

Pierced and Embraced by Kelli Worrall is all about the piercing love of Christ. It is a love that is sometimes painful, with "grace filled jabs"that show us the truth. With this book, Kelli Worrall shows us the love of the Lord in His wonderful combination of truth and grace. He pierces our heart and soul while bringing us into an embrace. 

She uses examples of how Jesus interacted with women in the Bible. Through these stories, we see Jesus interact with women, show them a truth in their life that is painful to them, and embraces them with love and grace. Then, we see how this is reflected in our own lives. 

What I loved the most is how much Kelli Worrall really delved into the details of each story, which made it make much more sense for me, and made it so much more impactful. 

Both the author and I would recommend reading this with a journal nearby, for reflection and to answer the reflection and discussion questions that are at the end of each chapter. 

I completely adored the author's voice, tone, and writing style. She is so open and vulnerable and honest, it felt like talking to a friend. 

I gave this 5 stars and I highly recommend it!

*I received a free copy of this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for a review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.


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