Where To Shop: Blogmas Day 16

Hello there!

Today I am going to share where I have the best luck finding Christmas gifts for everyone on my list.

  1. Gordmans- Gordmans is a department store in the US, where there is a section for everyone, and prices are really really low. Their customer service is great, too. I worked in a Gordmans for 2 years, so I go there A LOT. I went there yesterday to buy some toys for the kids I babysit. This is also where I get clothes and shoes for my mom and sister, and shirts for my dad.
  2. JoAnn Fabrics- I have lots of quilters and crafters in my family, so I go into this store for supplies a lot.
  3. Old Navy- I got some adorable clothes for the even more adorable little girl I babysit here.
  4. Hot Topic- I get Harry Potter and Disney related things for my sister here.
What stores do you do your Christmas shopping at?


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