Man, Myth, Messiah by Rice Broocks REVIEW

Hey guys!

So I literally just finished reading Man, Myth, Messiah by Rick Broocks, and oh my goodness is this book good!!!

In this book, the author goes into detail about all of the historical evidence proving the existence, miracles, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus, as well as the validity of the Gospels. Obviously, as Christianity places all of its weight on the single event of Christ's resurrection, Jesus being the real deal is pretty darn important.

This book really shocked me, as I had no idea that there was so much evidence outside of Scriptures that even non-believers admit proves that Jesus was a real man and the Messiah. There is just so much information given in this book- if I tried detailing it all here, this post would be ridiculously long. I am a little overwhelmed by all the proof given, and I feel so compelled to share it with everyone. I don't understand how anyone could deny Jesus after reading this book. Broocks obviously did so much research into this topic, and he provides all of the sources that he used for this book, so the readers know that his statements are valid.

The purpose of this book, according to the author, was to equip Christians to be able to defend their faith, and explain exactly why they believe in Jesus, and also why that belief is valid. The book does a remarkable job of doing just that. 

The book is organized really well and is extremely easy to follow and understand. I think that everyone should read this book, regardless of belief. Even if this doesn't convince you to become a Christian, I think that it gives a lot of important information about the Christian faith. Each chapter ends with a summary that leaves the reader with the main ideas of each chapter, and the book ends with instructions of how to share this knowledge with others.

I gave this book 5/5 stars! I just want to give this to every person that I know and make them read it. I also recommend watching the new film "God's Not Dead 2", as this book is the evidence and the inspiration behind the film, and a lot of the information from the book is told in the movie. 

I just can't talk about this book enough!
Let me know your thoughts on the book and God's Not Dead 2!


*I received this book from the publisher through BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review.


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