March TBR 2016

Looking through my bookshelf here at school, I realized that I have a ton of books that I really need to read. I say this for a couple of reasons. First of all, I still have unread books that I had on my TBR way back in October. Secondly, there are a few series that I need to read the last book of that I really need to get to and finish.

So I think that March reading will be dedicated to reading the books I've been meaning to read for months and finally finishing some series. Here are all of the books I hope to read this month.

  1. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon- I'm currently reading this one, and it's taking me quite some time. I'm really enjoying it, but I'm just not speeding through it like I normally read. 
  2. Gabriel and the Swallows by Esther Dalseno
  3. The Selection by Kiera Cass
  4. The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan
  5. The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan
  6. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
  7. Wedding Night by Sophie Kinsella
I'm really hoping to read all of these books this month, but it wouldn't surprise me if I don't, since Outlander is taking me a while to read. However, I do have spring break this month, so hopefully I will get a ton of reading done then. Even if I don't read all of these this month, I'll be happy just making a dent in my TBR pile.

Have you read any of these?
Which do you recommend most?
What do you plan on reading this month?



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