"Forgiving My Daughter's Killer" by Kate Grosmaire: Review

I just finished reading Forgiving My Daughter's Killer by Kate Grosmaire, and I wanted to share my thoughts on the book. 

This book is the story of the Grosmaire family and the tragedy that they went through. Ann Grosmaire, the author's daughter, was shot and killed by her boyfriend, Conor, who had always been very close with the family. Immediately, the family began praying for Conor. The family visited Conor in prison, telling him that they forgave him. The Grosmaire's also worked with Conor and his family to reduce his prison sentence. They wanted him to use the time he would have spent in prison to do volunteering and work that Ann would have done had she survived, as they wanted his sentence and punishment to be meaningful.

To be honest, I wasn't sure how I was going to like a story about forgiveness. The people who write the books who were able to forgive someone who did something so awful always seem so strange and unrelatable. They seem like super-Christians without flaws who can forgive anything with no effort. However, that was not the case with this book. The author Kate Grosmaire pointed out many times that she often had a hot temper and had trouble forgiving people (usually her husband) for small disputes. However, she was still able to forgive Conor.

Kate also stated that forgiveness is a process, and not a single act. She wasn't able to forgive Conor immediately, but over time she was able to forgive completely with God's help. 

She also said that forgiving someone isn't the same as pardoning what they did. She said, "Forgiveness is an emotional release for the forgiver." By forgiving Conor, Kate was able to get rid of the burden and hurt on herself, and in turn get a sense of peace. Of course, she was still greatly pained by the death of her daughter. But she didn't have the anger of hatred hanging over her. She showed that forgiveness is possible for everyone.

I found this book to be really interesting, and I enjoyed the way the story was told. It was organized really well, which can be uncommon in books that aren't written by professional writers.

I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars, and I would definitely recommend it.

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*I received this book from the publishers through BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review.


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