October TBR

Unfortunately, I have limited space in my apartment at my new school, which means that I could only take a couple of books with me when I moved. These books are ones that have been in my TBR mountain pile for a long time that I really wanted to read, but just haven't gotten around to it yet.

I realize I'm a little premature with this TBR, since it's still September, but with how busy I am with school I probably won't be getting to read much until October.

1. The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan
I have heard really good things about this author, though I haven't read any of his other books yet. I think it's in the same sort of universe as the Percy Jackson series. I've read a couple of chapters so far and I'm really enjoying it!

2. Dreamland by Sarah Dessen
I really love some of Sarah Dessen's books, while some are just okay. This book is pretty short, so it will be a nice, quick read. 

3. Wedding Night by Sophie Kinsella
I absolutely adore Sophie Kinsella's books. Her characters are so likeable and relatable as well, and her novels are always entertaining. I tend to read her books pretty quickly no matter the size because once I pick one up I have a hard time putting it down again. 

That's it for my TBR list this month! I realize it's pretty short, but with school I don't have a ton of time to read. I'm also an English major so my English classes require quite a bit of reading, which takes priority over reading for fun. Am I the only one who misses the designated pleasure reading time in school when we were younger?

I'd love to hear what books are on your TBR list!
Have you read any of these books?
What did you think?



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