A Chicago Adventure

Hey there!

So some pretty exciting things have happened. I recently moved two hours away from home to a new university. How scary is that! I really love it here so far (apart from the classes haha), and I'm really looking forward to some new experiences.

Also, in August, I went to Chicago for two days with my mom and my sister. My sister wanted to go to the Art Institute of Chicago, and I wanted to go to the Shedd Aquarium, so that's exactly what we did!

I saw so many amazing paintings at the Art Institute. I saw some by Monet and Van Gogh (some of my favorites!), which I really wasn't expecting. I live in kind of in the middle of nowhere and I had expected such famous paintings to be in New York or Paris. It was such a great surprise seeing them so close to where I live!

We also did a bit of sightseeing-- you can't go to Chicago without seeing the "bean"!

On our second day, we went to Shedd Aquarium. I absolutely LOVE aquariums. I love to look at all the unique (and often cute) animals.

After the aquarium, we had lunch with my cousin who lives in Chicago before heading home. Overall, it was such a great trip!

Have you been to the art institute or the aquarium in Chicago?


  1. Loved this! Chicago looks like a really nice place, I've always wanted to go :) I love aquariums too, though it's been ages since I last went to one!
    Anna x


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