Book Review: Beneath the Surface

Hey guys!

Today I'll be writing a book review of a book I read in August. (This is also my first book review and I'm pretty excited to finally be writing this!)

The book I want to tell you all about is Beneath the Surface by John Hargrove.

The author, John Hargrove, is a former SeaWorld orca trainer.

A few months ago, I watched the documentary Blackfish, which talks about the treatment and lives of the whales at SeaWorld, and all of the dangerous incidents that happened with the whales leading up to the death of trainer Dawn Brancheau. John Hargrove is one of the trainers who spoke in the film about what really happens at SeaWorld.

What I particularly enjoyed about this book is that the author never verbally attacked SeaWorld, he simply told the facts of what he experienced while working there. While he talks about why whales should not be in captivity and how SeaWorld isn't taking as good of care of these whales as they'd like us to believe, he also talks about the amazing relationships and experiences he had with the whales that are truly astonishing.

I learned so much from this book that I didn't know about, even after watching Blackfish. This is a topic that really interests me, and this book was written in a way that it was entertaining as well as informative. To be completely honest, I read this entire book in one sitting. I started it around midnight the day that I bought it, told myself I was going to read one chapter before I went to sleep, and before I knew it I had finished the book and the sun was up.

I give this book 5/5 stars. Even if you have no interest in what's going on at SeaWorld, it still is an extremely interesting and entertaining book filled with some incredible stories.

Have any of you read this book?
What did you think of it?


  1. It was a great review!
    I saw Blackfish this summer and I cried... I didn't know there was a book but I definitely want to read it now!! Sounds really interesting.
    I can totally relate to the 'I'm just gonna read one chapter before I go to sleep but hey why not read the whole book instead' thing hahah
    Anna x

  2. Great post... I refuse to read anything about the whales at Seaworld though because I absolutely love Seaworld and all the good things they do ;) ahha!! Those whales are homongous though so they probably shouldn't be in captivity! Love your blog!!

    Juliana Grace |


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