Wanderlust Tag

Hey guys! I saw this tag done on Kenzie's blog a while ago and, since I love to travel, thought I'd give it a go. 

Where have you traveled to and where would you like to go again?

Well so far I've traveled to 27 out of 50 states in America, and I've also been to Canada, England, France, Italy, and Switzerland. The place I'd like to go back to the most in England, because I really didn't see much besides the airport. Also, my sister and I would like to take my mom on a trip to France, because she really wants to go to Paris, and a mother-daughters trip to Paris will be so fun!

(I think I got them all)

Where was your first plane journey to?

My first ever plane journey was a really short flight from Michigan to Wisconsin, but that was a super short flight, we didn't even get food. My first proper plane journey was to France.

You're leaving tomorrow, money is no object, where do you go?

I think I would go to Australia. Since money is no object here, I'd pick something far away. Or, as it's my goal to go to all 50 states in the US, I'd plan a big trip to get to all 50.

Preferred method of travel?

I prefer driving because you can see all the sights along the way and stop and make detours whenever you want to. Plane trips just aren't as excited and you don't see as much along the way.

Top three travel items?

My camera, a bag of books, and sunglasses.

Favorite travel website?

My parents are in charge of trip-planning, and I don't know what site they use. 

Where would you travel to just to eat the food?

Italy! I was in Italy once for a little while when I spent a little over a week in Europe, and the pizza I had at a truck stop in Italy was the best meal I had the entire trip, and that includes fancy Paris restaurants. I asked for a slice a pizza and I was literally given 1/4 of a huge pizza!

Is there a place you would never go again?


Can you recite your passport number if asked?

Again, nope.

Do you prefer middle, window, or aisle seat?

I prefer the window seat, because you can see some pretty cool things from being up high. One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen was looking down at Greenland from a plane.

How do you pass time on a plane?

I read on planes and sometimes watch whatever movie is showing.

I hope you enjoyed this tag! It was actually really fun to write it and think about past and future travels!

Let me know in the comments if you decide to do this tag, I'd love to go read it!
Where would you like to travel?



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