Product Review: Avon Moisture Effective Eye Makeup Remover Lotion

I've been using this for a while, and I absolutely love it! It is very inexpensive, and Avon products are very easy to get a hold of. It's only $4.00, but I recently saw it on the Avon website for only $0.99!

I use this daily to take off my eye makeup, but it especially comes in handy when I have eyeliner wings or designs. 

Put just a dab of the lotion on a cotton ball and spread it around with your fingers. It doesn't take much to get the makeup off, so it is very long lasting!

Rub the cotton ball over your eye makeup, and it comes right off! I can usually take of the wings I make with liquid eyeliner in one swipe.

Since it's a lotion, it can make your skin feel a little oily if you use too much, which is easy to do. I recommend using this product to take off your eye make up and then washing your face with the face wash you normally use. 

long  lasting
works really well

oily feeling


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