Count It All Joy by John M. Perkins | Review

 Count It All Joy (John M. Perkins), Paperback - Goodruby Christian Bookstore

    This book is all about finding joy in suffering, and looking through pain into God's strength, instead of ignoring it. He discusses the importance of lament and the fruits of suffering. Suffering offers us a powerful encounter with God. Further, Jesus showed us how to suffer with others and show compassion. God constantly cleanses us through out suffering so we're pure when we meet Him in heaven. As the Bible tells us, doing good and suffering for it is something to praise God for. 

"When we choose to suffer with rejoicing, a door is opened for the Gospel to be shared."

    The author has experienced suffering like I could not believe. He is also in his 90s and suffering from cancer, and he is at the end of his life. His story offers such a unique and genuine perspective on suffering. There aren't many people who have experienced suffering to the extent that he has. 

    Perkins was very articulate, and it never felt like he was rambling or condescending to the reader. 

    Overall, I gave this book 4/5 stars

* I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.


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