The Good Of Giving Up by Aaron Damiani | Review

In his book The Good of Giving Up, Aaron Damiani explains why he decides to observe Lent each year. A custom that seems harsh and controlling, Damiani describes how it actually is liberating.

"Lent is an ancient pilgrimage that the Lord uses to recapture our imagination of and renew our participation in the greatest story ever told."

He uses many personal examples of how Lent has changed his life and the lives of his friends, as well as Biblical evidence for practicing it, and a historical background of it. He also addresses most of the common objections to Lent and explains his answers to them.

"The entire process of Lent and Easter strengthens our commitment to serve and rule in the kingdom as God always intended."

What I found most interesting is the detail Damiani went into regarding fasts. I have always been intrigued by the idea of fasts, but have only been able to find small sections in other books. Damiani, however, went into quite a bit of detail and explanation, and spent quite a bit of time talking about fasts. 

The author has a very friendly tone and is enjoyable to read. He is very real and relatable. He explains why he thinks what he does rather than telling the reader why they or other people are wrong. He was very funny, too.

I would only recommend this book to people who are familiar with Lent already. Though he thoroughly explained the why of Lent, he didn't really talk about the what or how at all, which I wish he would have.

Overall, I gave this 3/5 stars, and would recommend this book to people who know about Lent, have questions about it, and are wondering if they should practice it. 

*I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.


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