Blessed are the Misfits by Brant Hanson | Review

"A Christianity that's one-emotional-size-fits-all simply isn't fair."

At church, in a worship group, or just in our everyday life, I am sure that we all know someone who seems to be completely in touch with God. This person talks constantly about hearing God speak to them, feeling God close to them, and clear answers to prayer. These are the people who have super emotional experiences during song or worship. 

When it comes to spirituality, these people seem to have it all. These are the people we aspire to be like. However, much as we try, most of us don't hear God talking to us everyday, and we don't feel His arm around us throughout our day either. 

So are we missing something? Are we doing something wrong?

This book is for those Christians who are left yearning, feeling there they are missing something. And, the whole book is here to reassure us that we are not alone.

Brant Hanson uses humor alongside Biblical proof to reassure those of us who don't really fit into American church culture, who feel like we're not quite getting it. 

"Sure, I may not have the same 'worship experience' as the rest of the crowd at a musical event, but I can offer God the worship He really deserves: Mercy. Fairness. Justice. I may have never heard God's voice audibly, but I can still obey."

So we feel like misfits. But remember, Jesus was probably the biggest misfit of all. And who did Jesus choose to be his disciples? Did he pick the people who could pray eloquently, whose faith never wavered? No, he picked the regular people who didn't quite get it.

Brant Hanson is absolutely hilarious, but he is serious when he needs to be. I really appreciated how open, honest, humble, and vulnerable he was right off the bat on the first page. He is super friendly and does a fantastic job reassuring the reader that they are not alone if they feel like a misfit.

My favorite aspect of the book was this: before publishing the book, Brant Hansen went on Twitter and asked his followers to let him know if they feel like misfits, like they're missing something when it comes to God. At the end of the book, Hansen fills 8 pages with just some of the names of the people who said they felt like misfits.

Overall, I adored this. I laughed out loud a ton, but more importantly, I feel reassured, and I know that there isn't something wrong with me. I am okay being a misfit.

I gave this 5/5 stars.

"You're a misfit? Good. That's exactly the sort of person God uses."

*I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via BookLook Bloggers as a part of their blogger review program. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.


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