365 Devotions for Living Joyfully by Victoria York | Review

I recently read 365 Devotions for Living Joyfully by Victoria York.

This devotion shares a verse for each day along with a couple of short paragraphs encouraging the reader to take on life with a more positive perspective in order to live with more joy. There is also a short prayer at the end of each devotion. 

It is ideal to start reading this on January 1st, since the date is printed on the top of each page. You would read one page every day for a year. Also, this is definitely geared toward women. 

The book itself is a beautiful, small hardcover. It is very sturdy. The pages are shiny and glossy, and there is a pretty ribbon bookmark (though it was stuck to the pages and left a mark when it arrived).

Overall, I really enjoyed this devotional. I thought that the material was really well written and stood out to me in a new way. I would recommend this to someone, and I gave it 4/5 stars.


*I received a free copy of this for review from the publisher via BookLook Bloggers as a part of their blogger review program. All opinions are my own. I was not required to write a positive review.


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