NKJV Study Bible Review

I really love Bibles that are filled with all kinds of extra content. In my opinion, the more the better! I find it really helpful to have information, explanations, maps, questions to think about, pictures, and other references to help me understand what I'm reading, which is why I love study Bibles!

I recently received a copy of the NKJV Study Bible, printed by Thomas Nelson. It is filled with all kinds of useful information and extras. Obviously, I didn't sit down and read the whole thing, but the information that I've read so far has been very interesting and helpful, and I am definitely looking forward to reading more.

The book itself is made very well. The pages are soft, and it opens nicely so the spine doesn't break, a must with paperback books. There isn't much that I hate more than a broken spine. All of the images are in color and all of the information and study tools are useful. One thing that I really liked was a chart of prophecies of the Messiah fulfilled in Jesus. There is also a large table of topics along with recommended Bible verses to help in those situations. Each book has a really nice introduction that helps the reader understand the context and the background much better.

The only thing that I didn't really like about this Bible is how bulky it is. It's a big brick of a book, and it's paperback, which makes it kind of awkward to hold and a little harder to read. I think the pages should have been made a little bigger if they wanted to go with a paperback cover, but that's not a big deal, and not enough for me to not like it overall.

I would definitely recommend this Bible to someone who is looking for a study Bible, and I gave it 5/5 stars.


*I received a free copy of this book from the publisher through BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review.


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