NKJV Apply The Word Study Bible Review

Hello again!

Today I'm here with another book review for a study Bible that I received from the publisher through BookLook Bloggers. This Bible is to be released March 8, 2016.

First of all, just upon first looking at the book, this is a really nice Bible. It's a hardcover book with a very pretty cover. The cover looks the same when you take the dust jacket off, and I personally love that, and the cover is super shiny and nice. The pages are so soft and sleek and feel nice in my hands, yet they're thick and sturdy enough that I don't feel like the page is going to tear when I flip it. It's organized really well and laid out nicely as well. Also, the words of Jesus are in red, which I really like to see.

Looking inside now, I find the study information inside to be extremely helpful. Whenever a new person appears in the text, there is a little blurb on the page explaining who that person was and summarizing what they did. There is also a lot of extra information explaining terms and events that take place, which I find really helpful in understanding the events. There are cross references near verses where it shows a different related verse to give more information, which helps me in understanding. I'm pretty sure that I say this in all of my Bible reviews, but I am really excited to look through this more and learn more.

Based on my brief browsing of it, I do recommend the NKJV Apply the Word study Bible. I've never read the Bible all the way through, and I'm still learning a lot as I am reading it, so I really like having these study Bibles to help explain things and give me more information. I give it 5/5 stars.



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