Dangerous Love by Ray Norman: Book Review

Hello again! I'm here today with another book review. I received a copy of Dangerous Love by Ray Norman from the publisher through BookLook Bloggers.

This book is the true story of a Christian family who lived and worked in a mostly-Muslim African country. After the events of 9/11, tensions in the country between Muslims and Christians grow. One day, the author and his ten-year-old daughter are shot by a Muslim man. The rest of the book is the story of their growth, recovery, and ability to forgive their attacker after the incident.

This book was so good. It was such an interesting and riveting story; I had a really hard time putting it down. The book talked a lot about forgiveness, and it showed me some really important things about how to truly forgive like God does. The author wrote very clearly and the story was easy to follow.

I totally recommend this book! I gave it 4/5 stars on Goodreads.
Have any of you read this?


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