52 Weeks In The Word by Trillia J Newbell | Review

 52 Weeks in the Word: A Companion for Reading through the Bible in a Year:  Newbell, Trillia J.: 9780802428356: Amazon.com: Books

52 Weeks in the Word by Trillia J Newbell is a companion for those reading through the Bible in a year. This is not a study, the questions for each reading are the same. However, this book outlines a reading plan and questions to ask yourself as you read. This is designed to help you get in the Word, stay in the Word, and gain Biblical literacy. Each week has daily scripture readings, daily reflection questions, prayer prompts, space to write your own prayer, a weekly reflection on text from the reading, and a day of rest. There is no pressure - if you miss a day, just pick up again where you left off. You don't even need to read it in a year, you can use this guide for however long your read-through takes you.

I think this would be a really helpful guide for someone trying to read through the Bible in a year. The reading plan is clear and manageable, and the book provides guidance and space to track your own observations. She also suggests switching up the way you read the Bible, such as listening to it in an audio format, to see if that works better in your lifestyle and helps you stick to your reading plan. Finally, she includes tons of resources to better help you in your Bible reading.

I did not use this to read through the Bible as I read it to review, but I think this would be a really nice resource moving forward. The book itself is well design and visually appealing. I think it would be a great gift for yourself or someone else at Christmas or New Year's. I wasn't planning on doing a read-through starting in January, but with the timetable provided here I might give it a go.

Overall, I do recommend this and I gave it 5/5 stars.

*I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.


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