A Field Guide for Genuine Community by Ben Connelly | Review


In A Field Guide for Genuine Community, Ben Connelly describes the need for a spiritual family that lives life together, and shares ways to find that and put it into practice. We are designed to gain in each other's strengths and learn in each other's weaknesses. The family needs you as much as you need them.  This book was written to help the reader deconstruct their individualistic and experiential views that are prevalent in our culture.

Each chapter ends with a few ways to practice genuine community, a story of a strong spiritual family, and a discussion guide. The author states that this book is best worked through with your spiritual family so you can all learn and grow together.

In my opinion, a lot of what the author said was true, but a lot was also just really cheesy. The 101 ways to practice family were often super specific and really only geared toward those with kids who hang out with those with kids.

Overall, I didn't think this book was super impactful, and I gave it 3/5 stars.

*I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.


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