75 Masterpieces Every Christian Should Know by Terry Glaspey | Review


75 Masterpieces Every Christian Should Know by Terry Glaspey goes through 75 pieces of art, music, literature, and film that the author classifies as a masterpiece and an expression of Christian faith. For each piece they spent a few pages discussing the background of the piece and the artist. Glaspey states that their goal for this book is to show Christians more creative ways to share their faith. 

For the most part this was enjoyable. I really enjoyed seeing the photos of paintings and sculptures I hadn't seen before, and I liked the history of the pieces and artists I was familiar with. However, due to reviewing it I read the book cover to cover. That was overall a bit much. As I read it felt like the author droned on way too much about each piece. I would recommend skimming this from time to time or skipping through to read about the pieces you're interested in. I also thought some of the religious connections or interpretations were a bit much, though I am in no way an art historian or student, so that is just my own opinion. This would make more of a coffee table book that one you'd sit and read.

Overall, I gave this 3/5 stars. 

*I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.


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