All That We Carried by Erin Bartels | Review


In the novel All That We Carried by Erin Bartels, sisters Olivia and Melanie decide to take a week-long backpacking trip through the Porcupine Mountains in upper Michigan 10 years after the death of their parents in an attempt to reconnect. Through the many fumbles and hardships throughout their journey, the sisters attempt to connect and mend their relationship, and wonder if that is even possible after what they have gone through, meeting new people and questioning their beliefs along the way.

This is very well written. The author Erin Bartels is clearly a very talented writer. My favorite part of the book was the descriptions of the places they visited. I grew up/live in Wisconsin and spent most summers visiting family throughout Michigan, so it was a joy reading about places I know so well.

I could have done without all of the family drama and fighting that went on throughout the book. I didn't care for the characters very much and I found them to be extremely childish. I often thought both of their actions were often totally out of line. I personally have not gone though a great tragedy and loss like these characters have, so maybe if I had I would understand their actions more. However, that is how I perceived it. I also thought that the climax of the book was rushed and a bit over-the-top, to the point where it just seemed weird and unbelievable. I wasn't invested in the characters or their story and really just read on for the parts about the hiking and the locations that I enjoyed the most.

Overall, while a beautifully written book, it just wasn't for me. However, I do think that a person who has experienced a loss might connect more to the characters and the story, and would enjoy it much more that I did. That being said, I'd definitely try another book by this author, since they clearly are talented and I did enjoy the writing style.

I gave this book 3/5 stars.

*I received a free copy of this book from the publisher for review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.


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