Holy Noticing by Charles Stone | Review

Good morning everyone! Today I am coming at you with another book review. This time I will talk about Holy Noticing by Charles Stone. 

This book is all about being present and noticing the things around you in a holy way. The author wants his readers to live with more awareness. This book contains guidance to engage the present moment and notice what is happening in your environment with a holy purpose. Stone says we can use this mindfulness to become more like Christ.

Charles Stone seems really down to earth. He often make jokes at his own expense, which I think makes a writer more relatable and enjoyable to read. It's important for the author to show that they are not perfect, in my opinion.

Unfortunately, I didn't think this book was very clear or made a ton of sense. I really love the idea of mindfulness, but I think the execution was poor. I gave up after about 125 pages. Once he introduced the idea, I didn't feel like I was getting any more new information as I continued to read.

If mindfulness with a holy purpose to become more like Jesus is something that you are interested in, you may want to check this book out. However, it was not for me. I gave this 3/5 stars.

*I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.


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