Bible Workbook Volume 1: Old Testament by Catherine B. Walker | Review

This workbook from Moody Publishers takes the student through the Old Testament, starting at the very beginning with Genesis. It is full of questions for students to answer, information about each lesson, and questions to stimulate thought. 

The note at the beginning states that completion of the workbook is not the goal. The goal is that the questions and notes inside would stimulate the student and guide them in searching and knowing the Bible. This was designed for a high school course but has also been used successfully in adult Bible studies. 

My favorite thing about this workbook was the fact that it comes with holes punched in the side for a three ring binder. The pages are also perforated to easily be removed. 

This would be the perfect workbook for a new Christian or a Bible study to go through together. 

I would give this workbook 5 stars. 

*I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own. 


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