The Complete Guide to Dream Interpretation by Marsha Trimble Dunstan | Review

This book is all about Biblical dream interpretation. This author believes that God continues to speak to people through dreams, and has guides and references to help readers interpret those dreams. Her goal is to help people understand what God is already saying to them through their dreams. 

First, before she went into interpretation, she outlined the Biblical foundations that this book is built on, which I really appreciated. She also pointed out that you can't fully and correctly interpret your dreams on your own: you need the help of the Holy Spirit, and friends who can look at it objectively. It also really thoroughly explains the "how" of Biblical interpretation, and answered lots of common questions.

When I received this book, I thought the idea of dream interpretation was kind of weird. However, once I read it, I really saw the value in it, and have used the book as a reference to try interpreting my own dreams.

Overall, I gave this book 4/5 stars.


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