101 Questions to Ask in your Twenties by Paul Angone | Review

This book by Paul Angone argues the power and importance of good questions, especially in such a scary and uncertain time as in our twenties. Questions such as, "How do I make a choice when I don't know what choice to make?", "Am I being stereotyped in my office for being a twentysomething? If so, what do I do about it?", and "What are my problems and personal pain revealing about my purpose?" If you're struggling to answer the questions he gives, then you're doing it right.

"Your twenties aren't about them going as you planned. But how you adapt, change, and grow when they don't."

While definitely God-centered, this book is great for any twentysomething who feels like they are lost and don't know what they are doing. Angone was so honest, vulnerable, and really funny, but most of all, he was relatable. He got exactly how I am feeling. 

The only thing that I didn't like was the grammar and writing style. He wrote in such short, choppy, fragmented sentences, often with the wrong punctuation mark at the end. Drove me crazy!

Overall, I recommend this book for all lost-feeling twentysomethings, and I gave this 4/5 stars.


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