The Heart Between Us by Lindsay Harrell | Review

Megan lived with a heart disease for many years, until another family's tragedy gives her a new heart and a second chance at life. Megan's twin sister, Crystal, lives the perfect, successful life.

When the family of Megan's heart donor contacts her, they give her their daughter's journal, containing a bucket list of things she wanted to do before she died. Along with her sister, Megan goes on a journey to complete all of the items on the bucket list.

I am completely in love with this plot, but I felt that the writing wasn't at 100%. This gave me such intense wanderlust, which I loved, but I wished the author hadn't skipped so much of the travel. I wanted to hear everything about each place they went! Instead, the author skipped over a few places and items on the list, and went on to a later one. It was kind of cheesy sometimes, but probably because of the travel and the fact that they go to Scotland (Scotland rules!), I couldn't help but love this a little.

I gave this book 3.5/5 stars.

*I received a free copy of this book in exchange for review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.


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