His Last Words by Kim Erickson | Review

His Last Words by Kim Erickson is a seven week study of John 15-17, exploring what Jesus did and said in His last few hours on earth.

If you knew you only had a few hours to live, what would you do? Would you tell your friends and loved ones all of the things you think is really important? That is Kim Erickson's theory: that what Jesus said and did in His last hours was what He wanted us to know most, what He thought was the most important for us to know. 

Each week consists of four short lessons. The reader is to read the assigned passage in their Bible, and then slowly work through the study. The studies consist mostly of a little bit of reading, but mostly journaling and reflecting. After each question, there is a lot of space to write, and Erickson does not pressure the reader to fill in every blank if they have nothing to say. She urges the reader to go through the study slowly, because going fast can mean that you miss out on understanding.

This study is written for women, and the author recommends that you do it with a group, or at least one other person. She includes discussion questions for a group after each lesson.

I found that each day's lesson was short enough to be doable without taking up too much time, but they were still very impactful. I do recommend taking your time and not just rushing though the questions, so make sure you work on the study when you have some time to spend on just that.

Overall, I gave this study 4/5 stars and would definitely recommend it.

*I received a free copy of this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.


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