The Essential Guide to Prayer by Dutch Sheets | Review

"God dwells where there is prayer."

This book by Dutch Sheets, originally published as The Beginner's Guide to Intercessory Prayer, is all about the power and importance of intercessory prayer, praying for one another. Sheets stresses that we pray for others as part of the service Jesus has called us to, and also as a way of finding peace and getting closer to God. Prayer is how we maintain a relationship with love, so we should pray with the intention of building a loving relationship with Him, and everything in life flows from that relationship. Relationships based on love are the relationships that last. Most importantly, God works miracles through us on earth. However, we need to pray and allow God to use us to make it happen. We are God's link to activity on earth. Finally, we must always remember to persevere. Intercession is a marathon, not a sprint.

It was really interesting reading about intercessory prayer. I have read many books on prayer, but this was the only one I have read that is fully devoted to intercessory prayer, rather than just a chapter or section on the subject. Each chapter ended with questions to make sure you understood and to review the content of the chapter. There were tons of examples in each chapter to explain and illustrate each point. Overall, I thought it was very well written. It's a short book, so I was able to read through it quickly, but it was still full of very useful and impactful information. The tone of writing as well was very entertaining. Dutch Sheets told stories very well, and often had me laughing out loud at his jokes and humor. 

I would recommend this book to anyone who is specifically interested in learning more about intercessory prayer. Overall, I gave this book 3/5 stars.

*I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.


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