A Selfish Plan to Change the World by Justin Dillon REVIEW

This book is all about using what means you have to change the world. Justin Dillon, founder of Slavery Footprint, argues that you don't need much to change the world, just your passion for a cause, and whatever resources may be available to you. Changing the world is for everyone.

How to change the world...big question. Dillon suggests asking yourself: what bothers you? What do you think is broken? Finding these issues that really tug your heartstrings and make you angry is the starting point. Dillon states, "When you say, 'I wish someone would just fix it,' there's a good chance that person is you."

As I mentioned before, Justin Dillon created slaveryfootprint.org, a website where you can find out how many slaves it takes to provide the things you use everyday. As much as we like to think that it is a thing of the past, slavery is still rampant today, and Dillon is working to stop it. 

Dillon also argues that changing the world is selfish, but it's a good kind of selfish. He says that we do good to make ourselves feel better, and that is okay. It is okay to do good for selfish reasons. 

I found this book to be very inspirational and entertaining. It is always great to see examples of people doing great things with what they have. Dillon had a very friendly tone in his writing. I actually laughed out loud at a few of his footnotes. Overall, I gave this 4/5 stars. 

*I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 


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