Let's Be Real by Natasha Bure REVIEW

In this book, Natasha Bure gives advice for teens, from dealing with boys and breakouts, all the way to keeping your faith and being true to yourself in today's world. 

Though the intended audience for this book is teens and younger girls, and I'm a bit older than that, at 21 I still really enjoyed the advice in this book. It gave me a new perspective on a lot of things, and made me realize actions that God has taken in my life in the past. It led to quite a bit of journaling and thought on my part. 

Honestly, I just chose this book to review because it was written by DJ Tanner's daughter, and I was hesitant going in due to the fact that I'm a bit old for some of the themes. However, I loved this book so much. Natasha Bure seems like such an honest, genuine, and mature young woman. She is a great role model, and I would have loved a book like this when I was in high school. She was very open and honest, so I could really relate to everything that she talked about. 

I gave this book 5/5 stars, and I highly recommend it for pre-teen and teenage girls. 


*I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


  1. Natasha Bure is a popular American YouTube personality who talks about different topics related to lifestyle, beauty, and fashion.
    Read More -: Natasha Bure


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