Acceptable Worship by Dr. C.H. Snyder REVIEW

Acceptable Worship by Dr. C.H. Snyder helps readers understand what kind of worship God accepts and what pleases Him. The author's goal was to write a book that would help people understand what the Bible says about worship. The focus of the book is to more from correct understanding to wise and proper obedience. 

God designed man with the need to worship. However, it is important that we choose to worship God and no one/nothing else. In order to give acceptable worship, our actions need to be for the glorification and honoring of God, and not for our own benefit. We should worship God in order to be close to Him, because we are in awe of Him. In good times and in bad, we should always be glorifying God. Not only in church on Sunday, but throughout the rest of the week as well in our everyday lives. Obedience is also an act of true, acceptable worship.

The book is Biblically sound and easy to understand. I really enjoyed reading it, and I feel like I learned a lot from it. I think everyone needs to read this and learn about true worship. I gave this book 3/5 stars. 


*I received a copy of this book from the publisher via BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review. 


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