After 50 Years of Ministry by Bob Russell REVIEW

After 50 Years of Ministry: 7 Things I'd Do Differently & 7 Things I'd Do the Same is a book by former pastor Bob Russell for those going into ministry. He explains 7 things he would do differently if given a second chance, and 7 things he would do the same. This is a guide for future pastors, some advice for when they enter the ministry of a church. 

Each chapter is a tip or piece of advice, with explanations and examples. Some of this advice includes living with less fear, paying less attention to criticism, and to stop comparing yourself to others. 

I am not planning on going into ministry at all, so I am definitely not the target audience for this book, but I really did enjoy it. Bob Russell writes with such a friendly voice, and much of his advice can be used by anyone in their lives. 

I definitely recommend this book to anyone in or entering a life of ministry. I think it will be very helpful to you, and it's always nice to get advice from someone who has gone though everything that you will be going through. 

Also, even if you're not going into ministry, I'd recommend the book to you, too. The advice he gives is still applicable and very important. 

Overall, I have this 4/5 stars.


*I received a copy of this book from Moody Publishers in exchange for an honest review. 


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