Greater Than Gold by David Boudia REVIEW

Hello everyone!

Today I am sharing my review of Greater than Gold: From Olympic Heartbreak to Ultimate Redemption by David Boudia. David Boudia is a US Olympic diver who competed in the Olympics both in 2008 and 2012. In 2008, he did pretty poorly and was extremely discouraged, but then he went on to win the gold in 2012. This is also the story of Boudia's testimony and how he came to be a Christian.

Going into this book, I really didn't know what I was expecting or how much I'd like the book. I had honestly never heard of David Boudia, so I thought that I may not be super interested in his memoir. However, I really loved this book and often had a hard time putting it down.

First of all, I loved how open and honest Boudia is in his book. He readily points out his own faults and weaknesses, and acknowledges his mistakes and times when he probably wasn't a fun guy to be around. He does not seem shy at all when it comes to saying that he isn't perfect. He is very relatable, many of his struggles are things that everyone struggles with. Since he is so friendly and relatable, he really gives hope to the fact that we can overcome these struggles. His testimony is so powerful and shows that such wonderful, radical change is possible.

He also makes some really great points about our walk with Christ. He learned the hard way that we need to live our lives so that our talents give glory to God, and not to us. He also talks about idolatry in a way that I've never thought of before. We usually think of idolatry as having other, false gods and wooden relics that we worship, but Boudia points out that putting anything before God is idolatry, such as money, fame, or medals. He has such a genuine love for God and such a incredible story that is so great to read about. 

Overall, I gave this book 4/5 stars, and I definitely recommend it. 


*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.


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