The Spiritual Warfare Answer Book by David Jeremiah REVIEW

Book review time! I read The Spiritual Warfare Answer Book by David Jeremiah, and here are my thoughts.

As Christians, we are in a war against Satan. Though we know that God will win the war, Satan does win battles. This happens every time that he tricks or deceives us into sin, or draws a person away from God. Fighting against Satan is not something that is often talked about, though it is extremely important. Every single person who calls themselves a Christian is a part of the fight.

This book includes a ton of questions about Satan, demons, and our role in the fight against it all, each one explained using Bible verses. Many of the questions that I've always had about Satan were answered. The answers are short but concise and informative. It also ends with a helpful reference guide for finding helpful passages on this subject.

I really did enjoy reading this. It's something I've never learned about so I found it to be really interesting and helpful. It's also pretty short and was a super quick read, which I also enjoyed. Overall, I gave this 3/5 stars.


*I received a copy of this book from the publisher through BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review.


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