November Book Wrap-Up

Hello, there!

Unfortunately, I didn't get to read as much as I did last month, and I didn't stick to my TBR list at all. School has been keeping me insanely busy, and I've been knitting/crocheting a lot of Christmas gifts lately. Also, I was having some trouble getting into the two books that I'm currently reading. So, here's what I read in November.

  1. The Amazing Book is Not on Fire by Dan Howell and Phil Lester- I found a signed copy of this book at Target and I am so excited! Dan and Phil touched my book! It's a very fun, quick read that I recommend for anyone who enjoys their YouTube videos. I gave this book 5/5 stars on Goodreads.
  2. Unconfessed by Yvette Christianse- This is a book that I had to read for one of my English classes. It's about a slave woman in South Africa who is sent to a prison. It deals with all of the injustices and bad things that happened to her. It was interesting and easy to get through, though I only gave it 2/5 stars.
  3. The Queen of Zombie Hearts by Gena Showalter- This is the third book in the Alice in Zombieland series, and to be honest I'm glad I'm done with it. The characters got less likable with each book, though I did enjoy the story and the book even made my cry while reading it at work. I gave it 3/5 stars.
  4. The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson- Okay, this is just a short children's book, but it was still really fun to reread. My sister and I found this book while we were home for Thanksgiving break, and we decided to read it together like we did when we were younger. It's about a group of really awful kids completely taking over the church's annual Christmas pageant. 
I am currently reading...

  1. A Mad Zombie Party by Gena Showalter- This is the last book in the Alice in Zombieland series, though it's told through the perspective of two other characters and has less to do with the main characters from the first three books. I had a hard time getting started at first, but now that I'm a little further in I'm enjoying it much more. (Update: since I drafted this post earlier today, I have binge read 350ish pages and have now finished it. It got so much better!)
  2. Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon- I received this as an ebook from Harper Collins publishing, which I am very excited about since I've been wanting to read this book for a while. I'm still not very far in so nothing has really happened yet, but I've heard good things about this book so I am so excited for things to get interesting.
Have you read any of these books?
What did you think of them?
What's on your December TBR?
What are some books you recommend?


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