From Wisconsin to California

Hello guys!

Last week, I went on vacation with my family. We drove from Wisconsin all the way to California and back. 

We drove through Wisconsin to Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah, and stopped in Reno, Nevada for a few days. We went into California a few days in a row but stayed in Reno each night. Going home, we drove through Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and Minnesota, and then back to Wisconsin.

One of the first places we stopped on the trip was the Great Salt Lake in Utah. It really is huge! You could hardly see the land on the other side.

Shortly after than, we saw the Bonneville Salt flats. It's literally miles and miles of natural salt covering the ground, and it's where quite a few speed records have been set.

In Reno, Nevada, we stayed in a hotel called Circus Circus. 

It was huge! There was a gigantic casino, stores, restaurants, and a huge circus midway inside. There were a bunch of really cool free performances all day by some really talented performers. 

On one of the day trips to California, we went to Donner State Park, which was were the well-known pioneer Donner Party was stranded.

The other day in California, we spent at the beach at Lake Tahoe. The water was unbelievably clear and it had such beautiful mountain views. I left my phone in the car when we were at the beach, but I did get some really beautiful pictures of the lake from above when we were crossing the mountains.

Then, we started heading back in the direction of home.
I feel like this is getting pretty long so now I'll just have short captions with the pictures.

Lava flows in Idaho

Abandoned mining town in Montana

Little Bighorn Battlefield in Montana

The dark colored stone is where the famous George Custer fell during the battle.

I also had my 20th birthday while on vacation! I'm no longer a scary is that??
I hope you enjoyed the pictures!
Have you visited any of these places?


  1. It looks like you had a great time :). I haven't been to any of these places, but I really want to, I've always wanted to go to America, so hopefully one day I'll get to go there!
    And happy belated birthday :D. I also recently turned 20, it is so scary no longer being a teenager, haha!

    Clara x (I used to have my blog Clara's Mind! which I know you follow and used to comment on my old posts, but this is my new blog... I hope you're well!)

    1. I'm sorry it took me forever to respond! I had so much fun, and happy (super) belated birthday to you, too!


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