Fishing Adventure

Hi there!

The weather has been warming up in Wisconsin, and I am loving it! I really really really really hate winter and all things cold, so the summer-like weather is feeling like heaven.

My friend recently asked me to go fishing with her over the weekend. I love fishing, though I don't get to do it much. I don't keep anything I catch (when I do actually catch something), but I love being out on the water enjoying the sunshine. (I also have a hot pink fishing pole so I really can't be taken seriously haha)

Saturday was the warmest day of the year so far, so it was crazy nice to be outside. My friend and I tried out a few fishing spots before we actually caught anything. Each place we went was so beautiful that I had to take some pictures!

This first spot was a pond on her land. 

With no luck there, we moved on to a river. It took a bit of a hike to get here, but the view was worth it.

Our final spot was on the same river but near a waterfall where the water moved faster and there was more action. We actually caught some fish here!

I'm really looking forward to some more opportunities to go fishing this summer, as well as some nice, sunny days to just be outside.



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