
It's finally here! Autumn is one of my favorite seasons. This is what my university currently looks like. It's so beautiful! I snapped these pictures on my way to class this morning.

Some of my favorite things about autumn are...

-beautiful fall colors
-warm drinks (my friend Kenzie is off getting me a pumpkin-y drink as I write this, yay!)
-watching Hocus Pocus
-sweater weather
-wearing scarves
-big sweaters + leggings + boots
-after halloween I get to be excited about Christmas
-horror films
-seeing halloween decorations around town
-pumpkin flavored things

What do you love about autumn?


  1. I'm going to bring you boxes of pumpkin-y things now. Since you like them so much clearly! ;)

    1. Aww thanks ;) I'm sure that just includes boxes of smashed pumpkins and leaves! haha

  2. Great photos and cute blog<3

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    Xx, Augusta… blog link


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