So Many Scarves!

As autumn approaches, the weather is cooling down. While I love summer, cooler weather allows me to start wearing some of my scarves! I absolutely love scarves, since they can add so much to an outfit as well as keeping you warm (a much needed thing in Wisconsin!).

Here is my scarf collection! (By the way, putting shower curtain rings on a hanger to store your scarves is a great way to store them without taking up much space!)

These are my infinity scarves. It's a bit hard to see, but I LOVE the burgundy one that's second from the right-it has dinosaurs on it!!!

I taught myself to knit over the winter, and the pink one on the right is the first thing I made. The pink one on the left is the next one I did. That pattern was a bit more complicated. My mom made the blue one in the middle. 

I bought this pink scarf from a store called Mango when I was in Paris. This scarf is one of my favorites.

I love my silly moustache scarf!

The shiny red one on the left I bought at a cultural festival. The purple one I think is from Rue 21.

I hope you liked seeing my collection!
Until next time


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