
Showing posts from June, 2018

The Girl's Guide to Conquering Life by Erica and Jonathan Catherman

This book by Erica and Jonathan Catherman is a guide for young girls navigating into adulthood. This guide goes all the way from talking to boys and how to wear scarves, to asking for a raise and changing a tire. The first part of the book seemed geared toward pre-teens or early teens, while the second part, dealing with cars and cooking, seemed geared toward older teens. I think this would be a nice book to have and reference for things such as cooking and vehicle maintenance.  Personally, in my early twenties, I do not feel that this book is helpful for me, but I definitely would recommend it as a gift for a young girl. Each how-to is listed step by step, including what materials are needed and the time required to complete that task. Overall, I gave this 3/5 stars, though I can see how a younger person might find this more helpful and rate it higher. *I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to w...

The Woman's Study Bible by Thomas Nelson | Review

First of all, let's mention how absolutely beautiful this Bible is!!! This is The Woman's Study Bible (NIV) from Thomas Nelson! This is a full color, hard cover Bible. meant to inspire and encourage women. Throughout each book, there are little lessons on a number of topics, such as headship, marriage, chronology, and more. These lessons delve into modern topics such as infertility, sanctity of life, codependency, blended families, and even cooking! We also get to see profiles of women of the Bible.  I only flipped through, but I am really looking forward to reading through all of the lessons. I swear, I have so many Bibles because I want to read through all of the amazing educational content included! This is definitely a 5 star Bible, and I recommend it to women who are looking to learn more about the women of the Bible and also learn about the Biblical perspective of many, many things that women deal with every day. *I received a free copy of this boo...

Climbing Sugarloaf Mountain

I recently spent some time in Michigan's upper peninsula. One of the places I stayed on my trip was Marquette. While there, I decided to do one of my favorite things: hike to the top of Sugarloaf Mountain. Sugarloaf Mountain is an easy climb (we even took the "difficult" path) takes you up 1060 feet to amazing views of Lake Superior and the surrounding forests. It only took about 15-20 minutes to climb, the path is well worn and clearly marked, but it's definitely hard to leave those amazing views and come back down again.

101 Questions to Ask in your Twenties by Paul Angone | Review

This book by Paul Angone argues the power and importance of good questions, especially in such a scary and uncertain time as in our twenties. Questions such as, "How do I make a choice when I don't know what choice to make?", "Am I being stereotyped in my office for being a twentysomething? If so, what do I do about it?", and "What are my problems and personal pain revealing about my purpose?" If you're struggling to answer the questions he gives, then you're doing it right. "Your twenties aren't about them going as you planned. But how you adapt, change, and grow when they don't." While definitely God-centered, this book is great for any twentysomething who feels like they are lost and don't know what they are doing. Angone was so honest, vulnerable, and really funny, but most of all, he was relatable. He got exactly how I am feeling.  The only thing that I didn't like was the grammar and writing styl...