7 Reasons Why You Can Trust The Bible by Erwin W. Lutzer REVIEW

"If the Bible is based on facts, we have hope for our present crisis in religion and morality." "The Bible is a book of answers, not a book of questions." "Religion, if it is worth believing, must be based on facts." 7 Reasons Why You Can Trust the Bible by Erwin W. Lutzer is a thorough examination of the historical, logical, and scientific proof of the validity of the Bible. No ancient manuscript in history has been doubted or held with as much skepticism as the Bible. For Christians, this book will validate and give you reassurance in your beliefs. Our faith is based on lots of evidence, but it is still faith. For non-Christians, it gives you another perspective to consider will all of the facts and information. This book is so full of information regarding the validity of the Bible, and the lack of validity of many other popular theories. I had no idea that so much physical or historical evidence existed that proves the Bible. Ho...