50 Most Important Bible Questions by Michael Rydelnik
In 50 Most Important Bible Questions , Michael Rydelnik attempts to answer the most common or important questions pertaining to the Bible. This includes from "how do we know it's true?" to more specific questions of clarify or understanding pieces of the text. As he states, everyone has questions about the Bible, so it's important to address and answer those questions. For each question, Rydelnik poses the question and then takes about 4 pages to answer it thoroughly and clearly. Categories include Gospel and Salvation, Genesis, Old Testament, Jesus, The Jewish People, Seeming Contradictions and Mysteries, and Biblical Concerns and Practices. It took me a little bit to get into this book, but once I did I couldn't put it down. Some might struggle to read this cover to cover all in one go, but I still recommend reading the book, even if it takes you a while and happens over a larger period of time. This book answered lots of questions I had, and even explained t...