The Extraordinary Power of Praise by Becky Harling | Review
The Extraordinary Power of Praise by Becky Harling is a 6-week study of the psalms for those with an anxious heart, whether you are a worrier in general (and especially right now, who isn't) or have a diagnosed anxiety disorder. Through her study, she teaches the reader to pour their heart out to God authentically and then praise God by faith passionately. You will need your Bible with you as you go through the study, as the passages you are meant to read are not printed in the book. The author also instructs you to underline and highlight in your Bible as you go. Each week includes 5 days of reading and homework, though Harling urges the reader to adapt it to make it fit their life. Each chapter ends with questions for your personal growth. The questions are actually thought-provoking and helpful, as opposed to flat and cheesy as they often are in studies like this, and there is actually space after the question large enough to write the answer (biggest pet peeve of m...