How to Eat Your Bible by Nate Pickowicz | Review

How to Eat Your Bible by Nate Pickowicz offers a new way to read and study the Bible. The author covers basic theology of Scripture and Scripture reading, then provides a plan to help you read your Bible consistently and well. He states that the goal of this book is to help people fight their Biblical illiteracy so that we not only read but feast on Scripture. When we read, he says, our focus should be on developing a long-term understanding and love for the Bible. The author points out that we often make a plan or commitment to read the Bible, often over a year or some other amount of time. However, he suggests that we change our perspective. We should make our goal to understand the Bible, not just get through reading the whole thing. With this in mind, Pickowicz has created the 7-Year Bible Plan. He walks you through the desired outcomes of study, what to look for, and things to identify as you read. He clearly outlines his 7-Year plan and why he set it up th...