
Showing posts from August, 2020

Writing for Life & Ministry by Brandon O'Brien | Review

  Writing for Life & Ministry: A Practical Guide to the Writing Process for Teachers & Preachers  by Brandon J. O'Brien is a guide for those who find themselves needing to write, but wouldn't consider themselves a writer. Writing has become a part of work and ministry (blog posts, newsletters, books, social media, etc.), so O'Brien wrote this guide for those who have found themselves thrust into the role of "author". His goal is to demystify the writing process and teach good writing habits, as well as how to revise your work. He also includes questions and exercises at the end of the chapters that will help the reader with the specific project they are working on. Finally, he includes a list of resources and further reader on writing.  This book would be best used when you are working on a specific writing project, however it still would be beneficial to those interested in writing, but who are not working on a specific project. The book is small and quic...

52 Uncommon Ways to Unwind Together by Randy Southern | Review

In his book 52 Uncommon Ways to Unwind Together: A Couple's Guide to Relaxing, Refreshing, and De-Stressing , Randy Southern gives couples 52 fun and unconventional ways to relax and have fun together.  Each date idea includes the basic idea, ways couples can go even further with the idea, and how they can make it their own. It also includes things to talk about together to grow stronger in their relationship. They also include an application for the different love languages. For example, if you wanted to do one of the dates and your spouse's love language is acts of service, they give you ideas on how to do the date while specifically speaking that love language. Some of these ideas were fun, and some were downright cheesey. Overall, I think this would be fun for a Christian couple to flip through together. Though they may not (probably won't) do them all, they may find a few fun ideas to spice up their date nights and relax together.  I gave this 3/5 stars. *I received a ...