Writing for Life & Ministry by Brandon O'Brien | Review

Writing for Life & Ministry: A Practical Guide to the Writing Process for Teachers & Preachers by Brandon J. O'Brien is a guide for those who find themselves needing to write, but wouldn't consider themselves a writer. Writing has become a part of work and ministry (blog posts, newsletters, books, social media, etc.), so O'Brien wrote this guide for those who have found themselves thrust into the role of "author". His goal is to demystify the writing process and teach good writing habits, as well as how to revise your work. He also includes questions and exercises at the end of the chapters that will help the reader with the specific project they are working on. Finally, he includes a list of resources and further reader on writing. This book would be best used when you are working on a specific writing project, however it still would be beneficial to those interested in writing, but who are not working on a specific project. The book is small and quic...