Love Riot by Sara Barratt | Review

Love Riot: A Teenage Call to Love with Relentless Abandon for Christ by Sara Barratt is a book written by one teen for another, calling them and helping them to live their lives fully committed to loving Christ. She tells the reader that God doesn't need perfect people, but he does want passionate people. Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of the walk with Christ, and guides teen girls through how to navigate the world while still being set apart, and not being of the world. At the end of each chapter are discussion/reflection questions for the reader to use to apply the chapter to their own life. As someone in my mid-twenties, I think this book wasn't as effective for me as it would be for a teenager, but I do think this would be a great book for a teen girl. Overall, I gave this 3/5 stars, but I do think someone older would rate this much higher. *I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a review. I was not...