The Basic Bible Atlas by John A. Beck | Review

I recently read The Basic Bible Atlas by John A. Beck. This book goes over the geography of Biblical events, from Genesis all the way to Revelation. Full of clear and colorful maps, the goal of this book is to inform the reader about the way geography impacts the Bible story. Beck discusses how things such as climate, terrain, culture, and politics all affected the Bible story, and why God chose the places he did. This was all new information for me, so it was incredibly interesting. Geography of the Bible is not something I had thought about before, especially as it pertains to how the Bible story plays out. I really enjoyed this and I gave it 4/5 stars. I recommend this for anyone who is interested in an introductory lesson in Biblical geography. *I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a review. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.